Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Hi everyone,

How are you today? I hope this evening is finding you well. This entire experience is still kind of wacky for me. Who exactly am I writing to? My friends and random people that may stumble upon my blog. For those that know me, welcome back. For those that don't know me, thanks for stopping by. If you've stumbed upon, please get off.

A few things on my mind today:

Jack Osbourne on Dawson's Creek 2 hour premiere? Many things disturbing to me in that last sentence. Jack Osbourne? Dawson's Creek? 2 hour premiere? Sheesh. Sorry, it's been on my mind because my friend Suzy likes that show (she told me about the premiere), and I heard a commercial on the radio this morning. Just for fun, I thought I'd tune in during dinner - I didn't watch all 2 hours, honest. James Vanderbeek (sp?) looks way different to me. Is he the same dude? And I'm not alone. Katie Holmes' character Joey thought he looked different too. Although, I'm sure for different reasons. They finally got together. It's about time. how many seasons did it take? And oh yeah, whatever happened to Felicity?

No, television does not rule my life. Heh.

OK OK, it did in college though, I used to schedule everything around Mondays and Thursday nights. Well, ok maybe some other nights too. Allright, maybe not just in college. My worst times were when I used to watch over 6 hours a week. When I used to travel, I always seemed to pick hotels that had very few stations on the television, or I'd get back so late I would miss my shows. So in my absence, I'd try to record the ones that I'd miss. I'd run out of tape on a 2 hour in SLP mode. Man those were bad times. I was hooked. Had to catch my shows. But I'm better now. The first step was acknowledging that I had a problem. Now I've got the "patch."

I always enjoy the summers, because my evening time gets returned back to me and is not consumed by television. And all the evil commercials that come with television. Speaking of commercial, my friends and I are going to be making a small weekend shopping trip to the Great White North. We're going to drive across the border to visit the Furniture Store of the Man. I'm pretty geeked too - before doing my blog entry, I was looking on their website for stuff that I wanted to get. That's why it's so late already, and that's why this update will be cut short. I'm tired. Anyway, I'm looking for swanky new stuff to put in my place. It's quite empty.

Ugh, I'm going to go to sleep. I'm going cross-eyed.

Catcha later,


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