Monday, June 02, 2003

Hey all,

Hope you're doing well. I'm chilling outside again. This time, it's lighter outside, and it's not as cold. I figure I'd get some writing in before I treadmilled.

Sunday was a one step wax day. I washed and waxed the supaflyride. Lookin good, I tell ya. I like shiny cars :)

So I washed the car around noon, was done by like 2ish or so. It was such a beautiful day outside that I could have done the 2 step process if I'd felt like it, but I wanted to be outside (you're supposed to wax your car in the shade - for me it's the garage). Anyway, I wanted to be outside, so I took the sunroof off, rolled down the windows, and just went cruisin'. With no destination in mind, no place to be, I drove around, got some sun, wind, loud music, all around the 'hood. Good stuff, I tell you. I even stopped by some of the auto mall places, just to see if there was anything interesting.

The entire day I was just dragging. I wanted to take a nap, but I didn't really want to. So today, I'm dragging arse as well.

So yeah, if you read the blog entry below, I finally got to see a version of the spinny wheels that I've only seen videos of. I say a version of because I'm pretty sure they weren't Davin wheels. But I dunno, they could have been - I'm not as familiar with their product line as I could be ;)

So I was at one of the local retail stores around me, and the owner was walking around in the bed of his Pearlescent White Escalade EXT. He was opening it up to load in the huge television that he just bought. I was walking out of the store, so I put the stuff that I bought into my car, and walked over. The conversation pretty much went like this:

Me: "Can I check out your truck? I've never seen one converted."
Other Dude: (mumbling) "Sure."

(he told me a little about how it converts from a swanky sport ute into a pickup)

Me: "Hey, are these the spinny rims?"
Other Dude: (mumbling) "Ya"

Me: "Can I spin them?" (if you know me, you wouldn't be surpirsed that I ask this - I like my experiences to be "interactive" :)
Other Dude: (mumbling) "Sure."

So of course, I had to spin them. As if I was spinning the Price is Right wheel, I stuck my finger in one of the gaps and just gave the spinny a whirl. And then the "dopeness" began. I felt a slight breeze and heard a Jay-Z song. Sweet.

From the reaction that I got from him, I'm not sure if he was just trying to maintain his "image" and play it off like it was no big thang. Or maybe he's been asked about his ride many a time, and he's just tired of it. I'm sure tons of Asian guys come up to him all the time and ask to spin his rims. Heh. Maybe he was just trying to get his TV home.

Anyway, I'm sure I would have gotten a lot more attention if I was in a honey in my honey clothes. Oh well.

The spinny rims were going the whole time until I got in my car and pulled out of the parking lot. I tell ya, everyone should see these wheels in real life. To bad my car can't fit 24's ;)



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