Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Hi everyone,

Hope everything's groovy. I always like to start with a salutation - I'm not sure why. Unless it's just a random thought. I always have those. But unfortunately, they just get stored in short term memory, and are lost forever.

I guess I just find it easier to feel like I'm writing to or talking to someone. I think it adds a personal touch. Anyway...

Things are slowing down at work. It seems with the shite economy, more and more things are being put on hold. Or shall I say the company is "focusing on different initiatives." You must love the corporatespeak. If you'd asked me to use words like "leverage" and "due diligence" a few years ago, I would have just given you a strange look because:

1) I would have no idea what the hell those words meant
2) And I would never want to learn the lingo of (and be a tool of) the Man.

Times have changed. You can only fight so much. ;)

Anyway, so we were taking a break from work and just chilling in the cafeteria today. For those of you that don't know, I'm a smell guy (not a smelly guy). I have a pretty sensitive nose - Which sometimes is good but sometimes very bad too, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, so we were talking about the way people smell - Whether it be natural (body scent) or augmented (bottled fragrance, soap / shampoo, etc.) My coworker had remarked how much she liked the natural scent of her husband. I think it's part of that body chemistry stuff. You know, pheremones and stuff like that. And I guess that's why different perfumes and colognes smell different on people. Huh. I guess that's another thing to write down on my list of traits for my perfect mate. Not that I would go around smelling people - Well, yeah, I probably would if it were more socially acceptable.

It just goes to show that personal hygeine can go a long way...;) Odiferous people take note. Nice smelling people are greatly appreciated.



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