Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

We'll get the boring stuff out of the way first ;) Presentation went well. Hopefully this will be a good semester like it was last term. I am now 1/3 of the way through my degree. I can't wait for it to be over.

Our final presentation went well. I couldn't have asked for anything more. Hopefully, our grade is ok - For our presentation, we decided to do something fun - It was either going to totally bomb, or go over pretty well. hopefully it was the latter. We'll see what the instructor says...

So after class, we went to the local bar. For shits and giggles, I had a drink - The first one in years. We were there for a few hours, hanging out and just chillin.

So I'm getting ready to leave, and I turn on to the main road from the parking lot. As I'm pulling onto the road, I see one of the city's finest in a squad car waiting to turn onto the road as well.

(can you see where this is going)

So the minute I see them, I knew I was going to get pulled over. I just knew it for some reason. So I get out of the inner lane and get into the right hand lane.

I see the headlights get closer, and then it heppened...

The 5-0 turned his lights on.


I pulled into a nearby parking lot and waited for the police dude to show up.

He pulled me over for my neon license plate frame. Alas.

He asked for my driver's license and took it back to his patrol car - What I didn't realize was that another police car had shown up on the scene. There were at least 3 cops. At a traffic stop. For a neon violation. (shrug) Maybe it was a slow night.

So I felt like a criminal. The feeling was prolonged when the police dude made me wait in the car for what seemed like 20 minutes (probably really 5 to 10 minutes).

I was lucky. He let me off with a warning - He told me that I couldn't have the neon on, and I had to disconnect it. I apologized for my wrongdoing :) He gave my driver's license back, and I got the hell outta there.

Alas, the neon frame has been temporarily disconnected. I need to get a switch on that thing...

My first run in with the law since high school. Crazy.



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