Monday, June 07, 2004

If I want to floss, I've got my own.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

Lotta school stuff's been going on. Haven't had too much time to write.

So let's see, what's been goin on.

When I last left you, I had taken my certification exam - the day of the exam, I had gone to some off site training that ended much later than intended. So I raced all the way to the school at illegal speeds. I had plenty of time, but I was hoping to use the extra time to do some last minute cramming and chill out. I'm usually kind of anxious before big exams like this, so I had planned to get to the test site a little early to "become one" with the test environment - You know, feel the vibe, bask in the aura, whatever ;)

The weather outside was perfect - We studied outside in our cars before the exam. It was sunny and warm, with a gentle breeze.

So about this cert exam. It was all very official and stuff. We're talking designated machines, test proctor, and video camera surveillance behind us while taking the exam. We couldn't even take our own scratch paper in! We got this funny laminated thing to write on with water soluble ink. I even had to ask for "regulation tissue" just in case I had allergy sniffles.

So we're in the first say, 15 minutes of the exam, right? My buddy in the cube over says, "oh NO." About 2 seconds later, you hear the lady in the next room echo, "oh no!" The computer he was working on completely lost power and shut off. Using his newly learned troubleshooting skills, it turns out that the problem was a faulty power cable :)

Kind of nutty, right? We survived though.

This weekend was spent mostly doing school junk. I finished my paper and extra assignments kinda late last night. But I made it. Now I just have to finish up a final project and do the final exam (take home).

This morning I took the semi-annual trip to the dentist. I don't know why I dread it so much. I've been flossing and whatnot pretty regularly now so my teeth should be pretty clean, right? Yes and no. The hygenist still had to do some scraping and use that sonic tool thingy that makes your head rattle.

But yes, like J. Lo, if I want to floss, I've got my own. I got a new pack of swanky floss today.

I will also have to eventually get my wisdom teeth out. Which kind of freaks me out. And why do they call them wisdom teeth anyway?

A few other items of note:

You can now access my blog through my own url! Behold - Thanks to Mark for setting it up for me.

I've also decided to take the whole week of the 21st off. I figured I could use a nice break from school before the semester from hell starts up. Not sure what I'm going to do, but I definitely need to chill a bit. School has truly consumed me this semester (again).



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