Saturday, April 16, 2005

I fought the prof...

(and of course, the prof won)

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this weekend. It's sunny oustide, and it looks warm too :) You can't complain much about that.

I should be doing schoolwork now. It's secretly eating away at me. It's like the howevermany thousand pound elephant in the room. But I'm just ignoring it for now.

(In denial)

I'm a little schooled out after this week. After a few e-mail messges were exchanged and new stuff submitted, I finally got the proposal approved. Oh yeah, I met with him too.

I've also decided that I'm not going to attend the graduation ceremony.

So now, the work begins...

Work that I'm not starting on yet.

Anyway, so yesterday was the first time I drove home from work with both windows down - No jacket or anything. It was pretty perfect. I was even inspired to do some spring cleaning in the car. Totally vacuumed everything out, wiped down the interior, and changed out my seat covers.

It's the end of an era.

The snow tiger fuzzy seatcovers are taking a few seasons off, being replaced by less fancy velvet ones that don't seem to fit as well. I am hoping that I will no longer get a huge static electricity shock everytime I get out of the car.

We'll see.

What else... My mum and I were at Costco the other day. And I saw this dude that's been working there for as long as I can remember. And it made me wonder - Does he like working as mujch as I like shopping there?

Let's put it a different way - For instance, if you worked at say, Starbucks - Would you want to go hang out there, buy the coffee, and chill when you're not working?

Probably, right?

Anyway, so that was my mildly deep thought for that day.



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