Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I won't quit my day job anytime soon.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

Just a few quick notes before going to bed.

I got my 2nd use out of my fishing license Sunday. B took me and one of his buddies out fishin'.

I was the low catcher that day. I clocked in at one, while everyone else got multiples. And no, it wasn't a keeper. I think it was probably the same size fish as last time.

Maybe it was one of the same ones too.

We had a great time. I enjoyed being on the water as usual. Unfortunately I was a little under dressed, so I was a tad cold at times.

Plus, I got the bonus residual after effects of feeling like I was on the boat when I was tired Sunday night.

On the plumbing side, I'm happy to report that my toilet no longer leaks.

At last.

According to one of the home improvement store websites, the repair was to take 1 hour. Which was fine if you were Bob Villa or one of his homies. I followed instructions too much and it sucked.

Hand tighten my ass.

The instructions said to "hand tighten" everything. No tools. Obviously I'm weaker than the average hand tightener cause every time I tried running the water through, it started leaking.

So needless to say, it took a while - To undo and redo the connections a few times.

Using tools.

Anyway, so it's all good. And I even sprung the extra buck or two for the "whisper quiet" fill valve. It works as advertised.

So what else...

Today B and I had guitar class. Before class, we decided to visit the guitar store to see what they had. A sales dude (at least we thought he was a sales dude) let me try out some electric guitars. B didn't really want to try them, but I was brave.

I'd never played an electric guitar for real before.

So I whipped out the 3 guitar riffs that I knew, and I was just goofin around. I tried like 3 or 4 guitars. And then the dude let me try the ultimate...

A custom electric guitar that was 3200 bones.


The guitar was really nice, had a great sound, but I couldn't see myself dropping 3200 bucks on a guitar. (shrug).

Maybe if I were a rock star.

Right now I'm just Eric Klapton. Like crab with a K.

Anyway, so that was my excitement for the evening.



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