Sunday, October 06, 2002

Hey All,

Through the power of the Internet, I'm able to write you from the great white north - Canada. And sheesh, it sure is cold out here today.

Right now, I'm at my cousin's house, just hanging out. And like all the other blog entries, this one's pretty late again. I tell ya, this weekend is going to make Monday hell - I'm going to be so tired from lack of sleep.

So I was at the furniture store of the man today. Oh yeahk, for those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm talking about Ikea.

Ikea, Ikea, Ikea...

One thing is for sure, I'm glad I don't live by it. I would blow so much money there. But I think if it was close to it, my house would be very Ikea like. Just like the catalogue. I pretty much just bought small stuff for the kitchen, bathroom, etc. Nothing too exciting to write home about.

But before I sign off, I must tell all of you about products featuring the lingonberry. What is a lingonberry you ask? Apparently, according to, it is a member of the cranberry family commonly used to make jams and preserves. But wait... There's more. If you ever go to an Ikea store, they feature a lingonberry fountain drink. In fact, they even have lingonberry mousse! Complete with your choice of lingonberry preserves on top or whip cream. I recommend the whipped cream. Mmm mmm! Tasty. Try it, you will not be disappointed!

Now the funny thing, is that I was at a tea store this evening - and guess what they had. None other than lingonberry bubble tea. Cool, huh? Another tasty treat indeed.

Going to get going - Must get up in less than 6 hours.



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