Sunday, May 11, 2003

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this weekend. It is quite windy today. A little chilly too. Highly doubtful on the car washing today, but we'll see. My car is quite filty from the rain that we've had the last week or so. I may just have a wash - it's supposed to rain during the week again as well too. Ugh.

OK, it's been a while since I've written. Mostly just been bitching about my wireless connection, and as Elizabeth pointed out, just talking about how much I like jeans Fridays at work. Let me tell you, it is a big deal :)

OK, so where do I start? Sometime at the beginning of the week, I was listening to my regular morning show (I usually flip between 2 and/or listen to CDs on the way into work) and they were doing this 2nd date update thing. It's a way for people to find out why dates that they've gone out with never call back. You know the story, the whole night went well, we had fun, the converstion was great, yadda yadda yadda... But now he/she won't return any of my calls. The responses are usually quite brutally honest. I take each one as a learning experience of what not to do. I've heard ones where a guy complains about how their date's bathroom is filthy, and another one was when some dude didn't like it when his date had to be in the restroom and take care of business (no. 2) and stunk up the place. Heh. whatever works. And a word to the lizadies that may read my blog - don't give it up on the first date. That's probably the most common.

Anyway, so I'm listening to this guy talk about his date, how things went well, etc. etc. The woman gets called up, and she says (without much hesitation) that he's too short. She was like 5' 10", he was 5' 6" or something like that. I felt for that poor guy. Anyway, so of course, the discussion leads to other desirable / undesirable traits of people. Ugh. See, I need to date a woman that's taller than me - It's going to be better for my gene pool. Seriously. Usually, kids are taller than their parents, right? I'm not making this up - from my sample size of friends, that's how it's been, I think.

But there is a silver lining. A good friend of mine that I used to work with told me, "we're all the same size lying down." Amen to that. Hopefully that line of reasoning will work for me someday ;)

Let's see, what else.

On Wednesday, I had to wake up pretty early to get out to Ann Arbor by 8 a.m. - Just this day wacked my whole sleep schedule. I haven't gotten very good rest ever since then, so I was in very ill spirits on Thursday. I was just dragging major ass, and I was not very motivated to do anything. So, I wasn't much fun, I don't think. I slept a ton yesterday - I think it all caught up with me. I will probably need to go to sleep early again tonite. We'll see if it actually happens.

Speaking of my eye appointment on Wednesday, I had the best luck in people that were examining me. So lovely. I go to a teaching hospital, so you can have a "technician" see you, a resident, and then the master doctor sees you. My tech was a lovely woman that smelled wonderful. And then, my resident was someone that I've never seen before. She had an accent like one of the Spice Girls. Many of you may or may not know, I have a huge weakness for the English accent. Love it. Anyway, I think she reminded me most of Sporty Spice. Except she didn't have the trademark Adidas pants on. Nonetheless, I was very mesmerized by her. Lovely, I tell you. Lovely.

After my appointment, I went to see some of my old friends at the network serfvice provider that I used to work. It was an enjoyable visit, as I got to see some old friends that I haven't seen in a long time. Anyway, while I was there, we were watching some dude unload a pallet (sp?) of boxed reams of paper onto the loading dock. We're talking about a truckload (literally) of paper here. All wrapped up in that saran wrap stuff to keep everything together. As the guy was maneuvering the pallet off the truck, I guess the paperbecame off balance, and the whole paper mass just fell over on its side. Half of the paper just busted through the wrapping plastic and fell a good 5 feet from the loading bed of the truck. It was a sight to behold indeed! Lots of the boxes were damaned, but I think the paper (for the most part) survived. Crazy. I apologize if you didn't find this story amusing. I guess you had to be there. Cleanup was not fun.

On Friday, I thought I'd go to Costco and pick up some goodies in preparation for my mom coming home. As I was checking out, there was this college-aged lady with her dad just buying a whole bunch of stuff. As they were loading stuff onto the conveyer belt, he just kind of looked at stuff with a weird look, and kind of shook his head. And I wondered, if I have ever have kids that go off to college, are they just going to come back home and expect me to buy them all they stuff that they need? Am I going to be the walking wallet? You know how when characters in a cartoon get hungry, they look at each other and see a cooked turkey or a chicken? Do kids look at their parents and see a big sack of money? I'm trying to think if I did that. Probably :) Just not as much, since I lived in the residence halls and whatnot.

So my mom came home yesterday afternoon. I'm glad she's home safe. I'm sure that she's happy to be home as well.

I've had the laziest weekend. I haven't done much at all.



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