Friday, May 02, 2003

Hey all,

It's the weekend! So glad.

So I got the new tyres for the supaflyride today. And man, I absolutely LOVE the smell of new tyres. So intoxicating. Like I have my own store whenever I walk up to my car. It's like the new car smell that I love.

It's kind of funny how certain smells trigger certain memories, or how some random smells smell good to us. For instance. Sharpened pencils. Another fun smell. I once talked to a lady that liked the smell of gasoline. Now that's kind of wacky. I am not too fond of the gasoline. I got it on my hands once, and I smelled that damn smell for like a week afterwards. That's scary stuff.

So let's see. There's a bird that keeps on trying to make a nest in the mailbox at my parent's house. I guess if I was a bird, I may choose a mailbox as well to chill in. It's a pretty good shelter, and you just have to "move stuff in" to make it cozy. So in my parent's neighborhood, they've got little "mini house" looking types of structures that house 3 mailboxes each. And depending on who forgets to close their mailbox all the way, you get random sticks and grass and whatnot in your mailbox every day. Thanks, birds. I'm always paranoid that one day I'll see a few eggs in there or something. So I try to just nip the situation in the bud and just clear the sticks and junk out every time I get the mail. I don't know what kind of parasites and whatnot may be in there. Ugh.

Oh yeah, I got a wedding invitation in the mail a few days ago. My good friend Helen is getting married in June. Getting invitations are always so bittersweet for me. I'm very happy for my friends that are getting married, but at the same time, it just reminds me that all of my friends are growing up. (sigh) Do I feel pressure? Kind of, I guess. Just in the respect that, you know, "everyone's doing it." And no, if people were jumping off a bridge I would not feel like I should to it too ;)

Tonight, some lady I don't know IMed me out of the blue. We talked for a few minutes, but that was about it. I get these requests to chat every once in a while with a stranger. I'm always caught in a dilemma to write them back. I've had some bad experiences (stalker) and well, just ho-hum (fizzled out). So I usually just not answer, but the hopeless romatic in me sometimes wonder if the person that I just clicked away is "the one?" I know the chances are pretty much slim to none, but I guess it never hurts to wonder, right?



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