Sunday, May 04, 2003

Hey all,

Hope you're doing well.

Today was a pretty big shopping day. I set out this morning on a mission - to get my mom a mother's day gift. She comes back next saturday, which is just in time for the special day. I went to a few places, poking round, finding nothing much of note. I checked one of the main department stores, but left quickly because I have no idea where anything is (other than men's clothes). Of course, I had to look at stuff for me while I was there :)

Anyway, I didn't find much either... Until...

The store of the familiar navy blue square with white lettering. The GAP, of course.

I should have thought to go there in the first place. Duh. Once I entered the store, I knew that if I wanted to find clothes, this would be the place to get them. So I did the one stop thing, and loaded up on all sorts of goodies for her. I just hope that I got the size right. Otherwise, the gift receipt is going to get quite the workout :)

I did buy a shirt, but that was about it. It was a pretty light day for me at the Gap.

I had to stop by at Target to pick up a raincheck - they had this nifty tv stand on sale this week that I wanted to look at. It looked pretty good, but my local store didn't have it in stock. Yipee for rainchecks.

So I did end up buying some new speakers as an impulse buy. I didn't even know that I needed speakers! ;) They sound very good - the sub really pounds. It makes the stuff on my walls and desk rattle. Good stuff. I'm going to move my older Altecs over to the condo - I don't think my neighbours would appreciate the new sub as much as I do :)

I need to start cleaning the house soon - I don't know how much time I'll have next weekend before my mom gets back.



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