Monday, July 14, 2003

Hey all,

Hope things are going well.

Attraction is a funny thing, isn't it? What is it that makes people attractive to some, but not so much to others? I know there's all the fun social science stuff about beauty and whatnot (you know, like face symmetry and whatnot) but the whole thing is just very interesting to me. I'm talking about the whole package - What's on the outside and the inside. For strangers, there's usually only the former - But for people that you know, you get the whole thing. Even with total strangers, there's an odd dynamic. There's the run of the mill and stereotypical "hot" individuals. But then there's the indescribable vibe you get where it makes unknown people attractive in a whole different way. You know, that "thing." Something about them. The smile? The eye contact? The sense of style? The behaviour? Ahh, I've experienced all of these nice traits.

Huh. But I guess the things that cause people you don't know to be attractive apply to people that you know as well. But the funny thing is that people can become more or less attractive as you get to know them. You know what I'm talkin' bout. And then there's the people who you don't really notice at first, and then think that they're just absolutely lovely afterwards. Heh. No, I'm not in love. I just crush easily, I guess. Maybe too easily. It's just one of those things. Kinda high-schoolish, I guess.

OF course, there's the flipside ;) People can become, err, unattractive as you get to know them... But I won't get into that now. I'm sure you get the idea just fine.

Not trying to have a deep thoughtful moment and write a thesis. Just a few thoughts I was having today.

A coworker of mine went to the Eminem, Missy Elliott, 50 Cent show on Saturday in Detroit. She gave me the funny visor hat thing that she got while she was there. Apparently, the person who she got the ticket through had quite the hookup - She got special VIP parking, got to sit in a suite, got wined and dined, got free goodies, and everything was quite swank. I was jealous. I don't know if I'd ever wear a visor hat type of dealie, but it was nice to get it - just in case I ever am in the sun that long ;)

Let's see, what else is on the mind today.

I have been very pleased with the great weather we've been having as of late. It's like we're in SoCal, but we're not :) I've been able to drive around comfortably with the windows down for the past couple of weeks. Hopefully the summer will continue to bet his mild. (hope I didn't jinx it).

I one step waxed the car on Sunday. Again, it looks good. I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of my car. I'm going to keep it until it dies on me.

As a sidenote, the lady that is trying to sell her 2000 yellow MR Spyder still hasn't - It was in the parking lot taunting me today.



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