Thursday, August 21, 2003

Hi all,

I can't believe it's Thursday already. And, I can't believe how freakin hot it is today. 90s? With the humidity it's in the 100s? Nutty. I think 90 degrees F is my threshold. For the first time this summer, I drove home with the windows up and the a/c on (while it's not raining outside). Spending all day in a nice air conditioned environment is super nice, up to the minute where you open the door to get out to your car. Ugh. It feels like someone had been boiling a blanket, and wraps it around you the minute you step out. Sheesh.

I'm extremely tired. Let me tell you. It's just this crappy heat, I think. Otherwise, I think I'd be fine.

Very odd though. Yesterday (Wed) I had this odd feeling that something wasn't right. It was like I was in one of those old skool V8 commercials where people were walking funny because they hadn't had their V8 for the day. It was totally like that.

Things were a bit better today - Just the heat and humidity that put a damper on things.



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