Saturday, January 03, 2004

Hi all,

Hope you're doing groovily this weekend.

I am addicted to the Need for Speed Underground madness. My brother and I were up till 3 in the morning playing online. I have flashbacks of when I used to play the original Gran Turismo on the Playstation (now PSOne) in grad school. When I slept, I used to dream that I was driving in the game. Yes, it was that bad. Plus, my thumb hurts in the exact same way...

Ahh, memories.

I went through the same thing with Gran Turismo 3. I can't wait until the 4th one comes out. One day...

So I waited until this weekend to send a package off that I was supposed to send off a little bit ago. I figured I wouldn't be able to get out during my lunch time to do it, so I waited until (what I thought) the holiday traffic would slow down to go.

Not so much.

I know that there's normal weekend post office traffic, but today was crizzazy.

I think there's something about the post office that gives off bad vibes or something. Maybe it's just all the negative energy that people have when they have to wait in line so long. Not sure.

I subconsciously felt the pinch a little when I held the door for someone on my way out and she didn't acknowledge me by saying thanks or anything. I hold the door out of habit, but she had lots of stuff in her hands too. Needless to say, I had some choice words for her (with my internal monologue). Even though that is one of my top pet peeves, I think being in the post office magnified the effect a little. Grrr.

Come on now, I'm sure you have your own pet peeves - Saying "thank you" doesn't really cost anything. Just uses a little internal energy and some muscle action, but come on, isn't it worth it? ;)

Oh well.

I start school on Monday. Should be interesting. Haven't been in academia for a about 3.5 years years. I hope I can stay awake :)



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