Thursday, June 24, 2004

Celebrity musings and Victoria's Secret mysteries...

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

Got some shopping done today at one of the local shopping areas and the mall. It's been a while since i've been, but once I got there, it was like running into an old friend again. Heh.

So a few things on the mind tonight.

If you listen to the radio a ton like I do, you hear the same songs over and over. To the point where whenever that one song comes on, you automatically switch the station. And it makes you never wnat to buy that artist's album because why would you ever want to listen to that one song ever again? It comes on the radio every 30 minutes anyway. The worst is when that song plays, you switch stations, and it's on that one too.

It started all with Eminem - There was a period of time where I was unable to turn on the radio to listen without hearing one of his songs.

There have been a few others since then. Like 50 Cent - 50 Cent had a stint where he was on the radio all the time too.

Most recently? Usher.

if he's not singing with Lil' Jon about YEAH!, then he's making some sort of Confession, or talking about something Burning.


Don't get me wrong, the songs are good tracks, but they're in such heavy rotation that I'm totally sick of them now. That's 3 songs that I will rarely listen to if I ever buy the album.

what else...

I don't know what it is, but every Victoria's Secret store that I've ever walked by smells heavenly. What is this mysterious scent that leaks out into the main hallway of the mall? I really like it (which means that it's probably working). It's a nice smell, not too offensive. What do I mean by offensive? Walk by one of those "bath and body" stores and you'll know exactly what I mean. I can't walk into one of those stores without getting a headache.

Am I a little biased? Perhaps :)



At 12:30 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strangely enough, a lot has been written about the way music rotations are handled on radio stations. Since most of the radio stations are now owned by Clear Channel, they're all pretty much reading from the same script (using the same playlists).

In addition, even if they're NOT owned by Clear Channel, there's another loophole that can be exploited - apparently, if you just call the song an 'advertisement,' you can just pay the radio station to play your tune, as long as the full name of the song and the artist is announced.

Here's more on the Clear Channel bit, if you're interested. (Link to Salon Article)As for Vicky's Secret scent, it's just another form of marketing. =)


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