Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Mandarin isn't just oranges anymore.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

I was looking through the continuing education catalog for some interesting stuff to take - Part of my whole doing something different kick.

My first choice was a creative writing course - Unfortunately I think it got cancelled because it doesn't show up in the online catalog anymore (it did a few days ago).

So I was thumbing through the paper copy of the catalog, considered taking an investing course, a yoga course, and something to do with a psychic, until I landed on....

Beginner's Mandarin Chinese.

So yes, for shits and giggles, I'm now officially registered to take an 8 week course in learning how to speak and be conversational in Mandarin. There's going to be some instruction about culture thrown in for good measure. I'm going back to my roots and keeping it real.

I just know I'm going to get funny looks on the first day of class.

My ancestors are smiling down on me right now.



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