Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

It's been a while since I've written because I'm going through an "unplugged" phase. Recently I've used the internet very lightly during non-work hours. My inbox has a bunch of unopened and unanswered messages.

I think I'm having an in between quarter life and midlife crisis.

Either that or I'm becoming a troll.

Maybe I'm just now experiencing the effects of turning 30. Like I still have much, much more to experience, see and do.

I just have to get off my arse.

Have you ever seen that commercial for the Air Force? I don't recall the exact wording they use, but in it, they ask the question, if someone were to write a book about your life, would anyone read it?

(again, not exact words, but that was my takeaway)

I'm a little embarrassed to say that I don't think my book would be much of a bestseller. And I don't think I'd read it. Don't get me wrong - I've done a fair amount. But my history is a little on the safe and protected side. And now I'm in a rut.

That's 10 feet deep.

I need a rut removal service. Badly.

So, I am going to be motivated this year and try to get out and do "more stuff" this year. And that is my New Year's resolution. There, I've said it. Oh yeah, I'm going to try and do "more stuff" that makes a difference too.

I just have to figure out what exactly "more stuff" means to me. I'll let you know. And you'll have to give me crap if I don't tell you.

Let's see, what else has been going on...

I think I'm going to stop watching music videos in the morning. I knew I had enough when VH1 played the Mariah Carey and the Kelly Clarkson song right after each other.

(sigh). It was good while it lasted.

Last Saturday, mother nature and the event scheduling powers that be were pissed at me and my plans for full disclosure were preempted. An evening that started out very well at the movies turned into a craptastic 2 hour drive (to go one mile) where we got separated, followed by me getting totally lost for another hour. Plus my mobile phone battery died too, so that was that.

Maybe it was a sign.



At 9:11 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think by "more stuff" you mean visiting vancouver. cause you really should. :P you have no excuses and you'll have a tour guide.

i'm on an internet break as well, save the looking for a job part.

At 10:24 AM EST, Blogger ejbollin said...

Okay, so I have to say that my life is pretty much "in a rut", as well. However, for the past 3 years I have been reading the book of your life. Your blog comes pretty damn close. And it's very interesting. So much so that when you hadn't posted anything for a while I really missed it! You do "more stuff" than most people: you tried fishing, you take guitar lessons, you own your own bowling ball, you have 2 masters' degrees, you've been to many different countries, you've taken photography classes, you're a homeowner, and that's just cruising the surface. No, you don't have your own clothing line _yet_ but Steve wears your logo proudly. :) -- E


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