Sunday, October 06, 2002

HI Everyone,

I'm back. Back in the Michigan again. Canada was nice, but nothing beats being at home, that's for sure.

So last night when I left you, it was about 3 a.m. I woke up at 8:30 to 9:00 thos morning - I was really tired, but I knew that I had to get up. Man was it difficult. Well, we set out around 9:30 ish, and we were off to downtown Toronto for some "express" sightseeing. It's more like go somewhere, snap a picture. Go somewhere else, snap a picture. I'm still on a quest for an inexpensive digital camera, so I ended up borrowing a digicam from my cousin Cassandra.

Saw some great skyline scenery. Some shots of the nearby water too. There's something about big city living. I've never stayed in a city for more than say, 3 days or so. This visit was the first time (in my memory) that I've seen downtown Toronto. I saw the CN tower, tons (tonnes, heh) of high rise loft and condo complexes, condo complexes being built, some nifty boats, and other sailboats from far away. Oh yeah, I saw the converitble topped Skydome. I thought it was broken or something at first. When it's converted (open), it looks like the original builders didn't finish the roof. Cassandra said that the skydome takes like 45 minutes to go from open to close. Hopefully it doesn't rain much during games. Waiting for the roof to close would take forever!

I don't know if I'd enjoy big city living. I didn't see the city at night, so I don't know what it's like. But, from what I saw, I liked it. Something about being dwarfed by tall buildings and standing in the shadow of them when it's sunny is pretty cool. Looking up from the bottom towards the top of the buildings is pretty neat too. It's a wonder how these buildings get built in the first place. Kudos to the architects and engineers that do that stuff.

It was pretty cool temperature wise, but I wonder how cold it must have been in the water for the people sailing. But it's definitely sweater weather out there right now. I don't know if it's going to be like that from now on, or it's just a cold spell. After all, it is October already. I could use a few more days of warmth before it gets cold. But I can't wait to pull out my cotton sweaters and my always favorite fleece to wear.

The trip home was pretty uneventful for me. I think I slept for 75% of the trip. I was soooo tired, it was hard to keep my eyes open while in the car. That's pretty much how all trips end for me. It's all of that staying up late and not sleeping in or something. I definitely have to go to sleep early tonight, or else I'll be useless at work.

Oh yeah, I got to try a Tim Horton's "fruit explosion" muffin today. Like products featuring lingonberry and lingonberry essence, the muffin a must try. It has the Kirk seal of approval. A fruity muffin, with fruit goo inside. Now if only the fruit goo was lingonberry... heh. I did not try one of their famed doughnuts though. I've kind of cooled off on doughnuts. They make my stomach kind of turn. They're too sweet.

This evening, I took all of my Ikea purchases to the new place. Luckily, nothing got broken in transport. I still have to put up my extendo mirror in the bathroom though. That'll happen hopefully later this week. I also have to stain the wooden key box that I bought too. Geneman will be coming to see the new place sometime later this month, so I have to get stuff ready for his inspection. ;)

Going to get ready for bed now... Catcha later!



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