Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Hey all,

Today, while driving home from a client site, I listened to Sarah McLachlan's Mirroball cd, for the first time in many many months. Don't know why, I just did. Mirrorball and Surfacing have been sitting in my car since summer but I've not listened to them. Haven't been in the mood, I guess. I used to listen to those CDs over and over back in the day. I remember the summer when Mirrorball came out. I had to drive 30 minutes out of town to get it because the town I had my internship in didn't have a Best Buy (they had a 2 disc special edition). After that came the boy and girl bubblegum teen pop bands. Then came rap and R&B. To this day, I still can't resist a good rap or R&B song with a good beat. My music tastes come and go in cyclical phases, but I never lose appreciation for any of it. Well, except maybe for twangy country. There's not much excuse for that. ;)

I was watching some televizzle while treadmilling today. I was pretty surprised that the local public tv station was showing Austin Powers 2. I only saw maybe the first quarter of it, but it didn't look/sound like they edited too much of it. I guess the disclaimer that they show after every commercial break is enough, huh. I love that movie. And even though I actually own it and can watch it continuously without commercials, I was tempted to continue watching the entire movie on TV just becafuse it was on.



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