Friday, December 27, 2002


My last blog entry didn't save. Grr. I'll try to recreate it again...


It's been a while since I've written. I've been slacking, I know. That's what happens when I go on vacation, I guess.

Hope you are having a nice holiday. This year was a good gift giving and receiving holiday. I managed to get pretty much everyone done before the middle of December. I think I'll do that again next year. Sure, I'm sure it's kind of weird to receive gifts at the beginning of December, but why not? People send out holiday cards right after Thanksgiving. And hey, if the stores start pushing holiday stuff in November, then giving gifts during that time should be good too :)

Today Suzy, my friend from WA, came to visit me and my new place. I see her about once or twice (if I'm lucky) a year, so it's always good to see her. Tonight, my cousins from Toronto are coming down to visit.

I got my new phone line today! How exciting. I'm totally in love with Caller ID. I think it's one of the top inventions in the telecommunications world. I know, I know, it's old skool technology by now, and almost everyone and their brother has it. I've gotten used to having it on my mobile phone, on my work phone, and so I had to get it on my home phone. Now I can screen calls without picking up the phone. Isn't life grand? ;)

Ahh well, that's all for now. Not much new to report.

Catcha later,


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