Saturday, January 11, 2003

Hi Everyone,

Hope you're having a good weekend.

So since the new year, I've been trying to stay a little bit more fit by doing about 45 mins or so on the treadmill every day. Nothing hardcore. I'm not doing sprints or anything with the maximum incline ;) For real though, I read somewhere that if you walk "quickly" for about 30 minutes a day, it's adequate to help you raise your metabolism and burn off some extra calories. Who knows. I've beem gpomg a little more, because I figure with my very sedentary lifestyle, I could use it. My longest stretches of walking during the day are to the bathroom and out to the car. Heh.

Why did I bring this up? Oh yeah. I think it's kind of working, because my lower right hip (where the leg joins the pelvis if you know what I'm sayin) was achy all of Thursday and Friday. I'm not sure if I just slept wrong, or I was actually experiencing muscle fatigue. Who knows. But it was just the right side though, so I must just let my left side slack off and just come along for the ride

Last night for dinner, I gave in to the marketing seduction of the fine people at Toxic Smell and got their well-advertised 7 layer nachos. They were pretty tasty, but at the same time, I feel like it's a scam. I think they count the chips and the admosphere as 2 of the 7 layers. I'm sure all alleged 7 topings were there, but when there's so much going on, it just gets mixed in with the morass of the other stuff that's going on. Does anyone remember the good old days when the 7 layer burrito rocked your world? Now that's what I call 7 layers. I should check next time to see if they still have that fine product.

Tonight, is sushi night. I can't wait :) It's gonna be TASTY!

Catcha later,


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