Monday, March 17, 2003

Hi everyone,

It seems like It's been forever since I've written. I've always thought about writing, but I always end up thinking about doing it so late in the evening, and I have to get to bed early because I can't sleep in anymore...

So a quick little recap:

My mom and dad came home last Wednesday. They came back on two different flights, so I had to make 2 trips out the airport. That, in addition to my multiple trips out to the Northwest terminal while I was travelling for work, has made me quite familiar with the international arrivals, domestic arrivals, and the departures level of the terminal. My mom and dad both got home safely, so all was good.

On 3/13 (last Thursday) I put away my uniform of fleece sweatpants and t-shirt for the more coporate uniform of business casual. After a short one ahd a half month of being on involuntary vaction, I am again working for the Man.

It's good to be at work again, let me tell you. Right now, I'm trying to get up to speed with work, meet new people, trying to stay awake during business hours, and working out my daily routine. The fantastic amenities that I was used to both at home and at my former job are no more. Water is no longer a few steps away from the computer. Nor is the bathroom. There is no dedicated refridgerator for me to use and keep my lunch in. And of course, there's no naps :)

The first day was very meeting-ful. And as many of you may know, whenever there's a meeting, it's like I've taken a sleeping pill. I have to fight so hard to stay awake. Nuttiness. Not quite used to wearing khakis and a button up shirt yet, so that adds to the challenge.

Friday was much better. Much less meetings, but got to meet a few more people that were very nice. The peeps at work are not my usual crowd that I roll with, but it's all good in the 'hood. I'll report again sometime in the future, I'm sure.

This past weekend, I bought into the PDA craze again and bought a fine Sony product. I was pretty geeked. Hopefully, I will fare better with this one than my earlier Palm product. We shall see. I am now in the Memory Stick family.

Oh yeah, happy St. Patrick's day!

Let's see, what else...

With the totally awesome weather we had today, I got a taste of the great Spring weather, as I got to drive home from work with the windows down and my sunroof totally opened. Again, I'm going to be jealous of all of the lucky people wtih their drop tops. One day - one day I will have my own rag top to drive :) With the boom in the trunk, of course ;)

I also got my work ID today. So now I'm legal, and can get into my building without waiting for someone to let me in. Woo hoo!



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