Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Hi everyone,

Hope everything's going funkadelic tonite.

Just a few random thoughts to start off:

It's funny how songs evoke certain emotions in different people. A fabulous love song to someone else can make one want to look around for sharp objects to poke one's eyes out. Make the music stop! Make it stop!

Can I just say that giving a Benzito CLK320 Cabby as a birthday gift (either to yourself or to someone else) is just wrong? There's just something inherently wrong with that whole concept. But hey, I guess if you're a baller, you have to live like one. ;) Did I ever tell you about that ring I saw at Tiffany's? ;)

I'm glad I didn't wash my car yesterday - it rained today. It was funny - it was not meant to be. I was outside checking out the supaflyride, right? I thought that the car was quite dirty, so I was going to get a quick rinse at the local machine car wash place. Once I got there, I was very unhappy to find that the place was closed (normally it's open till at least 9 or so). Oh well, I saved 3 bucks. :) Either that, or the car powers that be were upset that I wasn't going to hand wash this week. The silver lining is that I got a "natural" washing from the rain, I guess.

Today I missed 30 minutes of sleep. Seriously. Just 30 minutes. And I was dragging major arse all day. I had to go in early for a meeting, so I had to shift my schedule a little. And it kicked my ass. I was so unproductive today.

Sooo, I guess I better to go bed. Catcha later.



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