Saturday, October 04, 2003

Don't hate the playa - Hate the game.

Hi all,

I think i'm going to take a break from "the game" for a bit. A sabbatical, if you will. I am definitely not liking the game much these days. Not that I was a participant that much to begin with, mind you. (sigh) Just going to lay low and take a timeout.

I'm not sure how well the housewarming gift went over today. I think she liked it. Lunch was good, the conversation was ok. It kind of ebbed and flowed. Not sure if that was a good thing or bad. I was too preoccupied by her new dog (and the other 3 animals that her roomates had). People and animals around all the time. I don't perform well with large groups (>2) of people around that I don't really know. I think I may have built up the visit too much in my mind (making it seem more than it was). Not sure what to do next.

The drive home was kind of a blur. I don't remember much of it.

Kind of odd, isn't it? Sometimes if I need to go somewhere, I'll just get in the car, and it's almost like I go on autopilot, and I just magically get to my destination. Just like that. This sort of thing happens most often when I go to Ann Arbor. One minute, I'll be pulling the car out of the garage, and then a little while later, I am driving through the streets of my alma mater. Weird huh?

I guess that's why people tell you to take alternate routes to destinations that you visit often. I guess it helps keep the brain working even during routine tasks?



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