Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Hey all,

Hope all's well with you.

So my lovely 15 minute drive to work has been upped to 45 minutes while I (and a billion other people) continuously search for an alternate route to the Hills. The main road that I take to work is going to be under construction (and totally closed) until mid-November. Grr...

I've totally been spoiled with my normal commute - But for the past few days, I've noticed that I've been a tad more stressed after my drive home. I also have been driving a tad more aggressively on the roads. Not a good combo, I'd say.

One of these days I'll find a good route to go back and forth. I may have to shift my schedule a little bit as well. We'll see.

So Steve has recently gotten me hooked on iTunes. More specifically, the internet radio portion of the program. Quite unexpectedly, I think. I've tried the internet radio before, and just wasn't very impressed. This was back in undergrad, when everything was still in the early stages. I guess first impressions are everything. The variety of stations was kind of low, most didn't connect, and when I was able to connect, the quality was crappy. Also, that's when my dislike for RealAudio (now called Real Media) began. I really didn't appreciate all the extra crap and modules and whatnot that the program installed.

But like my friend Celine says, a new day has come. :)

Kind of like how I think I'd like satellite radio (but am not willing to pay the monthly fee for it) I really like the huge selection of genres that are available in iTunes. My faves are "electronica" and "urban." I've not listened to any mp3s since I've discovered the radio portion :)

Nifty, I tell you. My only gripe about the app is that it seems to take up more system resources than I'm used to with my faithful WinAmp.

Oh well, that's all for now.

Well, maybe one other thing. If money were no object, I think this would be a really really fun hobby to participate in :)

I was looking at the Subaru site earlier :)



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