Saturday, January 24, 2004

Hi all,

Hope you're having a good weekend.

Yesterday I had a lunch that was probably one of the worst in a long time. I don't mean it wa bad tasting. It was far from that. But it was bad for me. and I mean bad. I don't mean the Michael Jackson bad either.

Here's what it consisted of:
2 fried "fish" pieces
Clam strips
Potato wedges
an estimated 16 oz. cola product

I was bummin at my 1:00 meeting.

I haven't eaten like that in a while. Why am I sharing, you might ask? Sometimes you forget how good clam strips are. Mmmm mmm!

Those little fried pieces of "clam" are so tasty.

Actually, if it were fake clam wouldn't it be Klam?

So, in my ongoing love for school, this is what I have to get done by this weekend:

- Technical briefing (5 to 7 min presentation) on the topic of my choice.
- Literature review of the group project (data mining and how it affect security and privacy
- Reading for class

I was thinking about just doing the technical briefing on data mining :)

That would probably be the most efficient use of my time. Even though I took a nap for 2 hours today. Hopefully the reserach powers that be will be smiling upon me today (and tomorrow).

One thing that I've found out that's bad about burning your own audio CDs - I start to have multiple copies of stuff. I went through the stack of CDs next to the radio at the country home and I found that I've got at least 3 copies of a CD that I keep on thinking that I've lost. I know that one is bad, but I haven't had the chance to listen to all of them. Oh well, I guess I can have one copy for the car, and each of the homes?



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