Thursday, January 22, 2004

Happy Chinese New Year!

Hi everyone,

Hope you're doing well.

The slacking continues...

This shortened week has been brutal. I feel like I'm just getting my ass kicked with stuff to do at work. The scary thing is that stuff just keeps piling up. Plus its going to be review time soon, so that's also kind of gnawing a little as well.

Let's see - I'm pretty excited that tomorrow's Friday already. I've been busting my arse with schoolwork during the beginning of the week, so this is the first day that I haven't done schoolwork. I was tempted to do some research, but I didn't...

So Monday's class was fine. No big thang. Tuesday night, I worked on a presentation for my Wednesday night class. Last week was a snow day, so I just figured that the whole syllabus would be pushed back a week. I just guessed that would be a safe assumption, right?


The snow day last week was supposed to be mostly lecture and was an opportunity for people that wanted to go early and give a presentation (to get it out of the way).

I did my due diligence and tried to crank out my presentation on Tuesday night, but around nidnight thirty, I threw in the towel, shut off the laptop and went to bed. I was too tired to continue. I figured I could just go with everyone else the week after, right?

I ended up having a sweaty moment when the professor started the class by saying that we had to cover some administrative shite (not his exact words, but you get the idea) and then we'd start on the presentations.

Uhhh. Presentations?


I'm nerdy so I always bring my laptop to class - I figure it's easier for me to take notes (that I usually never go back to read). It saved me.

During the initial presentations, I furiously worked on my own presentation.

And you know what? I gave it. Without notes. I was nervous and my heart was racing about a hundred miles an hour (at first), but about half way through, I was fine. Kinda weird.

I figured the presentation was 5% of my grade, so I didn't have too much to lose. Plus, I had never hooked up my laptop to a projector before. I was a lucky man.

So yesterday was a milestone because I gave a presentation without fully writing it out. I just talked through it using my slides and no speaking notes.

I've never really done that before. So that was kind of nifty. Im not saying that I had mad skillz and cranked out a flawless presentation. It was far from it. But it wasn't terrible either :)

I do see the value of preparation though. Heh. Hopefully I will not have to do that again.

It turned out that I could have waited until next week to give my presentation. We ran out of enough time for everyone to go. But now I don't have to :) I just have a shiteload of reading to do now.

Plus my presentation for the Monday class. Ugh. Will it ever end?

Ahh well, enough griping...



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