Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Replicate and go home...

Hey all,

Hope you're doing well.

The 4 beautiful and wonderful words that every Lotus Notes user wants to hear. Replicate and go home. It almost brings a tear to my eye to type it again.

Replicate and go home. :)


Brizzai's boss came by and gave us the good news around 2:30 and we couldn't stop smiling afterwards.

As an added bonus, evening classes have been cancelled. Not sure when I'm going to have to make it up, but hey, it's all good.

It has been snowing like a mofo all day. It took me a good while to fully clear off my car. When I was done with the front window, it would get all snowed on when I would clear off the back window. And vice versa.

As some of you may know, I got new tires last year. The supaflyride is now riding on Dunlop SP Sport A2s. The mix of the new tires and the supposedly good snow traction is not too bad. It's a definite improvement from when I didn't have the new tires, that's for sure. I didn't get tire slippage unless I wanted it to :) Of course, the dry tracion is excellent, as to be expected, just like my old D60 A2s that I used to ride on.

I was going to come home a little early today anyway, cause I wanted to shovel while it was still light outside. My mom and I were shoveling/snowthrowing snow at the house in the country - as fast as we could clear the snow, more snow fell. Nuttiness. I'll have to go out again later :(

But hey, I don't have school tonite so it's all good...

I've got my sporty spice fleece pants on and I've got Frank Sinatra playing in the background. Love it.



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