Saturday, February 14, 2004

Will the real Kirk Tsai please stand up?

Hi Everyone!

Hope you're doing well. Long time no write. It's been quite the week, let me tell you. Tuesday night was spent writing my paper and preparing for my presentation. I just had to stop working at 1:00 a.m. because otherwise I'd be useless at work the next day. I got a chance to practice once or twice, and that was it. Everything turned out ok though - I can't really complain.

Wednesday night came and went - I did my presentation 2nd because I wanted to get it out of the way. The odd thing was that when I gave my presentation, I wasn't really super nervous like I always am. I think I was just so brain dead that I just didn't really care.

I wanted to get home from work early on Thursday, but it didn't happen. I ended up staying there working on stuff with Brizzai until 7:30 ish. By the time I got home, I just ate pretty quickly and just watched TV the rest of the night.

Friday was an interesting day - We had a morning meeting with a vendor in Ann Arbor. I had been planning to go out after work on Thursday to buy some groceries and stuff, and fill up on gas. I was down to less than 1/4 tank. I didn't want to fill up before I drove out to Ann Arbor because I figured that would be the day that I'd spill gasoline on myself or something. AFter getting home late on Thursday, I just didn't feel like going out.

Friday morning, I drove out to Ann Arbor without filling up... Can you see where this is going?

I completely forgot I needed gas until I drove home and noticed that the gas gauge light went on and the needle was on E and it seemed to be dropping faster than I had liked. Everytime I'd look at it, it seemed to sink lower. From the vendor site to the highway, there were no gas stations so I didn't think about filling up.

So, I'm driving along the highway, looking for gas stations. Got off at 2 exits and found nothing. Now I'm getting really nervous. The gauge says that it's below empty. To add to my madness, I had to go to the bathroom really bad. Every minute that passed had me on pins and needles. If I had ran out of gas, I would be totally screwed.

I was very very lucky. I finally found a gas station at the exit right before the one that I usually take. The whole ordeal of driving around looking for a place to go and fill up had added an extra 20 minutes to my trip. Needless to say, I was late getting back. Oh well.

Never again. I'm filling up when it gets to half now - I should have learned from the blackout :)

Although I still have schoolwork to do, I've been enjoying my weekend. Friday night I did a little shopping at Costco. Love the Costco - Here's why: I bought these swanky looking LED night lights from them, right? this was in October. Well, out of the 6, one died and stopped working last week. Plus, some of them had been getting dimmer over time. I was semi-ok with them getting dimmer, but I was pissed when the one light stopped working. Costco took them back with no questions. I was totally blown away. That's what I call customer service.

Plus, the Costco bakery has the best chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies in the world.

Love the Costco.

The bummer was that Costco had no night lights for me to buy to replace them so everything's dark now. I can see myself stubbing my toes and running into walls.

Oh well. What else is on the mind...

Our mostly white winter wonderland has turned in to nasty looking grey and black snow mounds on the sides of the road. It needs to melt soon.

I'm excited because daylight is getting longer again. Spring is coming!

Oh yeah, I forgot to say, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope you had a good one.

So about the tag line at the top. Every so often I try to find myself. On the Internet. Heh. You know, by doing searches on the web with your name. I know, this sounds nerdy, but bear with me.

So I do a search with my name on Google, right? Apparently, there's this java dude that has the same name as I do. As an added bonus, he's got his "top movies" list online as well. Just for the record, I am not a java dude. I took one semester of java in grad school, and that's it. As far as movies, my top movie of all time is NOT Star Wars. Blah.



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