Friday, April 16, 2004

A day many months in the making...

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well on this fine day. I can't believe how nice it was. It was almost too nice. Like someone pushed the Fast forward button through spring and all of a sudden, it was summer.

Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons. You know, that in between where it's not too cold, and not too hot - You can go outside in a long sleeve shirt or a short sleeve and be equally comfortable. That's perfect for me. If only it were like that all year round.

Anyway, today it was supposedly in the high 60s - A very momentous day. I drove home with all the windows down and the stereo blasting. First time this year. Almost everyone with convertibles had their tops down as well. I wondered about the people who had all the windows rolled up and wondered - did they have the heat or the air conditioning on? (shrug)

I even washed and one step waxed the supaflyride.

Oh yes - I couldn't wait to get home, eat, and wash the car. I was chomping at the bit to wash off the residtual salt and crap from my car. There was also dirt and dust from the week's rainfall. I took off the coating of dingy winter crap from the rims. The car looks pretty good and happy. I'm happy. I just have to clean out the inside tomorrow.



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