Wednesday, April 14, 2004

The look.

Hi all,

Hope all's well.

It's Wednesday already. Classes are done for the week. I had lots of reading to do last night, so I was up late again.

Don't know what it is, but I haven't been sleeping well again. I go to sleep by midnight, and I just can't seem to get out of bed at my 7:30 a.m. alarm. So I'm going to try and go to sleep a little earlier tonight. We'll see how that goes.

Anyway, 2nd week of classes over. It feels like tomorrow should be Friday.

But alas, it's not.

Anyway, what's on the mind today...

At work, my cube is next to the department printer. After clicking "print," I just get up, reach over the wall and get my printouts. The funny thing is watching people wait for their stuff to print. They all have the same look. I'm not sure what or how to describe the look. It's like a mix of boredom, cursing (the printer is rather slow), or just hope (that it prints)

My magic glasses frames have been found. Finally. I'm supposed to get them at the end of the week or early next week.

I was at the glasses place yesterday, ready to bail. After another response of "uhh, I don't know where it is, uhhh..." I demanded my money back.

The lady that originally helped me was pretty rude and looked like she had low job satisfaction.

Anyway, so she turns to her coworker and turns the assistant manager on me. Unhappy lady just fled the scene after that.

The manager lady did all the right customer service things and said that she'd find out what the dilly was today and promised to give me a call back. I figured an extra day would be no biggie so I gave in. I really was not in the mood to go through the trying on of new glasses somewhere else again.

Oh yeah, did I mention that she was absolutely lovely? Kryptonite, I tell you. Kryptonite.



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