Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Arse towels?

Hey all,

Hope all's well this evening.

So today at work, somehow we got on the topic of bidets.

The topic of the bidet has always fascinated me. It's probably one of those things where i've never had or used one before. You kno, the fascination of the unknown.

Anyway, so one of the ladies was talking about how she stayed at a hotel where there was a bidet in the bathroom.

Of course, I was asking her questions about it. For instance:

- Isn't the water cold?
- Are there paper towels?

Just in case you were wondering - apparently, there is some sort of temperature control (whether it was truly automatic or you just let the water run until it gets to the temp you like is not for certain).

Also, at the hotel there weren't paper towels - there were what the coworker called "hand towels" by the bidet.

So of course I had to go there.

Anyway, I guess I was a little surprised that there were actual towels instead of disposable paper towels.

Wouldn't that make sense? I'm sure I'm like the next guy who says that I'm comfortable sharing hand towels used for drying off hands, but I draw the line there, I'd say.

Who knows. If you do though, let me know :)

I also decided today that I probably woulnd't do well in sales. All of those power lunches would start to take a toll on me.



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