Thursday, May 06, 2004

Happy ending.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

So that's it. The last episode of Friends. That's all I've heard about all day today on the media. On the radio on the way to work, on the evening news, in the newspapers, etc. The final episode was pretty good and didn't stray away from the formula that made the show so funny and successful. I can't complain. Everything was expected - Ross ended up with Rachel (and that's how it should be).

I'm wondering what the spinnoff show (Joey) will be like. (shrug)

I can't believe Friends has been on for 10 years. I got into watching the show kind of late, maybe about halfway through-ish (around 98-ish?). I remember blocking out time in grad school to watch the show (when TV ruled my life - there I admit it). And then when I started working at the dot com, I rarely missed it (unless I was travelling or forgot to record it). Huh. What will I do with the extra time on Thursdays? I guess there's the spinoff show, right?

Well, the summer is approaching, and it'll be rerun city for TV again. Which is good, because I need the time to study for class again :) Oh yeah, the midterm went ok. I'll get it back next week. Hopefully I did aiight.

Today has been quite the intense day - I went in at 7 this morning and was tired the entire afternoon. It was nutty, but I made it. There's still stuff to be done tomorrow, but hopefully it'll be fine tuning stuff.



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