Sunday, May 09, 2004

Happy Mother's Day.

Hi everyone,

Hope you're doing well. Happy Mother's day to everyone.

Blogger has introduced a new interface - not too shabby so far. I'm also going to turn comments on so all of my readers can send me stuff. Be nice.

Let's see what's been going on so far.

Thursday morning, I woke up with a pain in the left eye. I figured I'd wait it out to see what happen - Friday rolls around and the pain's still there. I made an "urgent" appointment for the eye doctor's. Apparently my eyes are too dry. So the doctor's gave me "magic eye drops" (as Drew called them) and by the next day, the pain was gone.

Magic indeed. Those umich doctors are damn good.

On the way home, I almost performed natural selection on two geese that were walking across the highway. They were standing and chilling in the middle of the express lane. That was the sweaty moment of the day - I'm sure hitting anything at highway speeds wouldn't have been pretty.

Why didn't they just fly across the highway? Stupid birds.

Drew and I put in the (hopefully) final installment of the car repair saga of 2004. My shoulder seatbelt in the supaflyride has been slowly unraveling. Every time I wear a zippered coat, the zipper rips off a few strands here and there. I finally broke down and purchased the replacement seat belts for the car and Drew help me put them in today. Not bad for an hour's worth of work. Everything was pretty painless so I was happy.

It was super nice outside for the morning and the afternoon - Drew and I got to cruise in the MR2 with the tops off. I was lovin it. I was quite lucky because the torrential rain held off all day until I came back home from Ann Arbor. It's been raining pretty hard outside ever since.

I took my take home online midterm yesterday. It was a little annoying, but I plowed through it like a good student. I was flipping through my books like it was a freakin' treasure hunt - looking for the sentence that was copied on the exam. Blah.

No class tomorrow though, so that's nice. I feel a trip to Costco coming on...



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