Thursday, June 24, 2004

Celebrity Musings (part two)

Hi all,

Hope you're having a good day today.

It didn't occur to me until brushing my teeth this morning that I missed the point that I was trying to make from yesterday's blog entry.


OK, so we established radio play is evil and destroys songs, right? So I was wondering. Do music artists listen to the radio? Do they change the channel when they hear their own songs? After the novelty of radio play wears off, of course.

Seriously - You figure a musician must listen to and record their music a bunch of times, in order to get everything perfect, right? You'd think that you would get tired listening to the same track (or parts of it) a billion times.

I can picture it now. Usher's driving around in his G ride with 27 inch spinning rims (that keep spinning everytime he stops), and his song comes on the radio...

Oh no, not this song again (click)

Damn, It's playing on this station too? (click)

Oh wait, that's me. But I bet Usher's the same way.



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