Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

The first week of classes is done. I never thought I'd say this, but I kind of miss my online class now :) Class on Tuesday was brutal. It took a long long time.


So I was thinking today at lunch that I could never go on a low carb diet. Similar to how I could never be a true vegetarian.

For lunch, I had:
- A plain bagel with cream cheese
- Fried rice with some sort of sauce

I had a gel fruit cup thing and an fruit and oatmeal bar too. But I know my meal was a carb counter's worst nightmare.

So back to how I could never do the low carb thing. I just don't think I could give it up. Just like I really can't give up meat.

Walking by a bakery or seeing baked goods would make me weak and break down. Walking by the local burger joint would break me as well.

And what is the deal with carb safe and the color blue? Just like why was green the symbol of heathy / low fat stuff in the 90s?

The wonders of marketing.



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