Monday, September 20, 2004

La biblioteca.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this afternoon. Another beautiful day in the neighborhood, as Mister Rogers used to say.

So this morning I went somewhere that I've not been in what seems like years. The public library. I went looking for travel books on Florida (in preparation for Nov.) I figured since there was plenty of time, I'd poke around to see what to do just in case the beach got old or we got bored, whichever comes first.

I had forgotten how much fun it was just to browse through the stacks of books. And now, they have books on CD!

I've always been afraid of books on tape, because my car stereo eats the tapes. (which is why I never use it anymore) Plus, I don't know if any of the other cassette players in the house actually work because they've never been used. Seriously - I think one of the tape decks in my bookshelf stereo has neverbeen used. The time that it was used was because John wanted to record the audio stream of the concert DVD we were watching - that's how momentous it was.

I've had that bookshelf system for at least 5 years now.

The stereo was my 2:00 a.m. impulse purchase during finals week when I should have been studying or writing a paper. I tellya, the best stuff comes along during finals week.


So back to my library experience. I think I could totally spend tons of time there - Just looking through magazines.

So I ended up leaving the library with 2 Florida travel books, a book on etiquette, 3 audio CDs, and 1 book on tape.


Now if I get really crazy, I'll actually start reading ;)



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