Monday, September 27, 2004

Vacation glow.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

Another perfect day. Perfect convertible weather in the afternoon. It was odd this morning though - I had to bring out the good ol fleece jacket. So I felt dorky walking out of the building today with a jacket in hand. It's like walking around in the middle of summer with a winter jacket in your hand. Just goofy looking.

So it was nice to drive home today - Had the windows down, and the stereo turned up. It was perfect convertible weather (if I had one).

My latest music craze came from a video that I caught on one of the media player sites: Joss Stone

She is good stuff. I like her sound. Some tracks are funky and some just have a lot of soul. Gotta have a listen. It's a nice departure of what I've been listening to recently.

So today I was back at work after a 1 week hiatus. the only bummer was having to wake up early. But besides that, I definitely felt better going into work. I was much more relaxed

I guess I never realized how burnt out I was from work until I took a break from it.

One of my coworkers said that I looked more relaxed. I don't know if it was placebo or what. But I'll take that compliment :)

I honestly did feel more relaxed though. And unlike short extended weekends, my vacation glow didn't shut off 2 hours into the work day.

I am still feeling pretty good.

I was fortunate to have a fairly light schedule, so I was able to get caught up and get some other stuff done. Hopefully I can still maintain this semi-relaxed state for a little while longer :)

I am all about the week long vacation now :)



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