Sunday, January 02, 2005

Starting the new year off by being lazy

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

This whole holiday during the weekend thing is has wacked me - If it weren't for the extra day that I had taken off, Christmas would have felt no different that any other weekend. New Year's is the same way. I miss the holiday long weekends :)

Today I hibernated in my sweatpants all day. I slept in, read the paper, watched some of the Rose Bowl (bleh), watched some other random television, and sifted through my Cali pics. And that's pretty much it.

I secretly want to go to the shopping mecca, but I'm still afraid of the crowds that will be there. I can't wait for everything to return back to "normal" where I don't have to circle the parking lot looking for a parking space like a hawk searching for food. I may try to go tomorrow if I get too cabin fevery.

Here's hoping that everyone's all malled out. :)



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