Monday, March 14, 2005

The key.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

I am terrible keeping track of my keys. House keys, car keys, you name it, I've lost them. Well, maybe not lost. Just more misplaced.

I have bad key management, if you will. Even though I have key hooks in the house (by the door), or I bought a key box from Ikea (that I never put up). I am still very lax about putting my keys where they belong. Usually they're in the last jacket that I wore, or in the summer time, upstairs in the last pair of shorts or jeans that I had on.

For the 8 billionth time this morning, my car keys weren't on the key ring. They were in my other jacket. Of course I had to put my stuff down, take off my shoes, etc., etc. So in a moment of frustration, I came up with a solution...

Make copies of my keys, one for each jacket.

That would solve my problems for good. In the winter time, at least.

I'll never actually do it - Knowing me, I'd probably misplace them anyway, or I'd be paranoid that I'd have to keep track of say, 4 sets of keys, instead of one.

Oh well, nice try.



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