Sunday, March 06, 2005

Here and hear.

It bugs me when I read stuff from people and see postings on the internet where the authors confuse words like here and hear. Or site and sight. The list goes on..

My personal favorites (not) are there, their and they're.

It's a pet peeve of mine. But is something like that a dealbreaker?

Or should I say deal braker?



At 5:38 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't think it's about college/university education. it's more about taking the time to pay attention to detail. high school teaches people enough that one should be able to distinguish between here and hear and they're and there and it's and its and the list goes on.

i'm with you on this one, kirk. i absolutely cannot understand how people just don't know or choose not to know. *shrugs*



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