Saturday, August 20, 2005

Milkshake as a meal.

Hi all,

Hope you're having a great weekend.

Yesterday for lunch I had a Baja Fresh Baja Burrito topped off with a Maggie Moo's Cookies and Cream shake.

We actually got a chance to sit outside. (first time this season!) The weather was perfect. Just a tad windy though, so as we ate, we had to hold down our plates to keep stuff from flying into the other people.

We lost some napkins that way and acted like we didn't notice.

Anyway, the most interesting thing for me was that I could have bought a fast food meal for the price of my milkshake (about 5 bucks, and that was a small).

Does anyone else see an issue with this?

I must say though, that the milkshake was good. One of the smoothest I've ever had.

I guess with the amount of bad stuff that was in that milkshake, it was a meal in itself.



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