Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Hey all,

OK, so I admit it. I watched that damn Fox show tonight for the first time while treadmilling. The one with the construction guy that's living a lie - Chuck Mizzilionaire. Pretty interesting stuff. I think I may have to fight the urget to watch it next week. Hey, it was on after Boston Public, ok? ;) My favorite part was when Chuck was out with the first lady, and kept on staring at her chest during dinner. And then he made the statement in Beavis and Butthead fashion, "uhhh, I like legs." His Freudian slip while talking about the 2nd lady was funny too - He asked about her breast, when I think he was trying to ask about her dress. Priceless.

And what is the dilly with the latest Levi's commercial? Totally dumb. You know the one that I'm talking about - Yucky haired guy and girl are walking along the street, and then there's a stampede that comes towards them. I don't get it. I don't think I'm going to buy those jeans if they attract animals to come charging at me, that's for sure.



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