Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Hi all,

Good evening.

I will never complain about commercial breaks again. Well, maybe a little. I now see the value of them. For the first time in a while, I caught a NOVA show on (gasp) PBS this evening. I know, I know, by watching this program, it's pushing me that much closer to adult-dom. But the show was this nifty documentary about the NASA X-32 program. I was channel surfing just like normal, and I just lingered there on PBS for a while.

But man, I had to pee. Bad.

But there were no commercial breaks, so I was stuck. Well, until I couldn't hold it anymore. Then I had to miss a few minutes.

So thank goodness for the every 10 to 15 minute break MTV and prime time tv gives you to relieve yourself. Now you may ask, why every 10 or 15 minutes and not just once say, every 15 minutes? It's because everyone's on a different cycle. How are the networks supposed to know when in time you just finished off that 64 oz Big Gulp before you sat down? The networks have to figure in the variability of bladder sizes and individual control. I'm sure they figure every 10 to 15 minutes, all their viewers will be properly covered. Too technical? I don't think so.

See the value of the commercial break. It's not just for advertising anymore :)



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