Friday, April 04, 2003

Hey everyone,

how's it going? Hope everything's groovy. So I survived another week at the new job. It doesn't totally feel like "work" yet. Don't get me wrong. I like it, but I still kind of feel like I'm on the consulting scene, and this is just a temporary gig. Maybe I just need to move more of my stuff into my cube or something. Right now, I just have my lava lamp, and a mail sorter thing that I brought in from home. That's all. Only other things on my desk are paper and, well, paper :)

I guess I'm comparing it to back in the day where I used to work. I'm sure I'll accumulate the same amount of stuff as I did back then. I'm still in the old mindset, I think. It's weird for me to plan meetings one or two weeks in advance. I guess that's where "internet time" comes in. Meetings would be planned pretty much on a daily basis for the day before (if you were lucky) or a few minutes to hours before they actually started. I can't believe how long I worked that way. Not that it was a bad thing - I enjoyed the pace and fast turnaround of things. But the air of uncertainty really took a toll on me. But now, I'm getting used to how things work. But when I have tasks to get done I get nervous when they don't get done as quickly as I think they should. But like I said, it's just the culture. And when in Rome... ;)

For the past few days, I've been kind of flying solo. My friend who I knew before (and my boss) has been on vacation since Wednesday. I think I've been doing aiight without him. Since I wasn't as familiar with my surroundings and coworkers, I'd kind of filter things through him, or he would filter things out for me. He'll be back sometime late next week, so hopefully I'll be fine. Everyone in my group has been pretty cool and helpful while I find my way around.

Anyway, can I just say how much I love ice cold chocolate pudding? I don't know what it is - I've always enjoyed pudding here and there (in the residence halls), but until recenly, I've probably had a little pudding cup full every day. It's so good. Recently, I've been going to Costco to get the zillion packs of pudding in a box. So tasty. It's up there with mint Oreos, I'd have to say.

I forgot to mention about the other day - Last monday, when I went to the new employee hazing, I mean, orientation, I stopped by at the standalone Gap on my way home. While I was getting into my car, these totally punk kids (in dad's Porsche, no less) were driving around the parking lot, showing off their impressive ride. I thought it was funny, because I think the kid who was driving didn't know how to drive a manual transmission car very well, because he'd rev the engine to get started, pull into the parking spot, get out, etc. Maybe he was showing off the fine mechanics of the Porsche... Maybe not. Anyway, it was humorous to watch these kids drive around. You'd hear WeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee and then the car would move a foot. The car was totally hot though. It was a dark metallic blue Porsche 911 ragtop. Not a bad way to spend a good chunk of cash, let me tell you.

So we got the nasty reminder today from mother nature that even though we had some spring weather, she will still keep us in check by slapping us with some frozen rain. She probably just doesn't want me to fully hand wash my car just yet.



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