Friday, August 08, 2003

What's up?

It's the weekend! Woo hoo!

I tell ya, it was so quiet in the office today. Of the 9 people in my group, only 4 were in the office. Lotta vacationing going on. I'm jealous.

At my previous job, work seemed to stop at noon on Fridays. Well, at least lighten up. But at my present gig, work goes all the way till 4:30 or so... Not that I'm complaining, but for some reason, I still expect Fridays to be one of the lighter days of the week. There's been sometimes where that's the case, but more often than not, Fridays are just like any other day. But I get to wear jeans, so I'm a little more relaxed during the day.

So the question weighing on my mind today. Do bar people and non-bar people mix well? (just fyi, by bar I mean pub, club, establishment to imbibe, whatever you want to call it). So seriously, do they mix? Or is it going to be like oil and water? Inquiring minds want to know. I am not a bar person. I think it's just too loud and smoky. I'd rather spend time in a boldly decorated Starbucks than a joint where I have to scream to hear the people that I'm with. Plus, you stink afterwards. :)

Then, do people grow out of the "hey, let's meet late tomorrow because I'm going to be hung over" stage? (shrug). Who knows. It'll be a mystery to me.



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