Thursday, October 09, 2003

Hi everyone,

What a nice surprise it was when I heard that I had a long weekend this week! I didn't know that Columbus day was Monday! I knew that it was coming up, just didn't realize how soon. (shrug)

It's a bummer though. I didn't know that it was coming up, so I didn't really plan anything either. Alas.

So I've been thinking about what I want to do for my vacation. I would like to do something, other than just hanging around the house doing nothing. I think I need some time away. I've been feeling like I'm in a slump this past week. Brian says I need to take at least one week of vacation at a time. So I need to get my act together and schedule it somehow.

So where to go? Not sure.

Tonight's watercolor class was a total waste. I did absolutely nothing. I was very unmotivated, and whenever I tried to paint anything, it just looked like crap. My heart just wasn't in it today. I also decided that I think I will retire my paintbrushes once this session is over.

Like my friend Sheryl would tell me, I think a change would do me good. I think I'll try my hand at some new artsy and crafty stuff eventually. I like being creative where it doesn't matter (i.e,. not at work) We'll see. Maybe after a break, I'll come back to watercolor. We'll see. My ADD is kicking in and I'm looking for my next thing.

So there is this woman in my watercolor class. I'm not attracted to her, but she has the most perfect long and straight hair that I've ever seen on a human being. We're talking shampoo commercial style. Seriously. Every time I see it I just marvel at how perfect it looks. It's a colour treated blonde, but she must use some kickass hair products that make her hair seem really healthy, and make it lay perfectly flat on her head. Not a single strand is visibly astray. Simply amazing.

Tomorrow's going to be an interesting day. All 3 of the larger cogs of the Man's machinery are going to be off work tomorrow. When the cats are away... ;)

Tomorrow's jeans day!



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