Thursday, November 06, 2003

Breaking up is hard to do...

Hi everyone,

Hope you're doing well.

So today I parted ways with my work girlfriend (Peggy). She's moving on to a different company now. I'm sure we'll still keep in touch, but it's just never the same, you know? Her new gig does sound pretty good though. She'll be travelling all over the US in the next few months. We will all miss her... I'm sure she'll miss working with Brizzai and me as well.

The breakup went smoothly - no tears or over emotion. I get most of my stuff back, but she gets to keep the Frankie says Relax t shirt ;) You get some and lose some.

Now I'm sure you're probably thinking I'm wacked, but come on - I know that some of you feel me here. Once in a while, there's that certain person at work that just "gets you" and vice versa. Like you're supposed to work with them but you sometimes end up talking more than you get work done? I probably talked to her at least once a day during office hours.

Now why a work girlfriend as opposed to a friend? Not sure - It just came up in conversation today. Just one of those things, I guess. Don't get me wrong, there was nothing romantic going on, but I felt pretty comfortable around her, so maybe that's why.

We're not sure who will take her place or anything, so who knows what will happen. (shrug)



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