Monday, December 08, 2003

Hi all,

how's it going? Monday (theoretically today at the time of writing) starts the beginning of the week vacation from work. It's my first real vacation in about a year. The last time I took this much vacation in a row was the end of last year at the old job.

5 days off. what will I do with 5 days off? Sad thing is, probably nothing too exciting... I will be doing stuff at the city home, and cleaning up my piles of shite at the house in the country. My workroom downstairs is sad - I've got crap all over the floor that it's a maze to get to anything :)

My dad is leaving for the homeland tomorrow. It's the end of a record long visit. I don't remember when he was home for this long of time.

Today we had a marathon shopping session, complete with a nice lunch and dinner. Can't complain about that. I just have to exercise tomorrow. I haven't done anything too exercise-y for a week now. Oh yeah, so all the shopping and what did I get? One shirt from the Gap. Just one. No gifts for anyone else, nothing. Oh well.

Speaking of the Gap, how cool is the music for their recent television commercials? I love that song - Put a Little Love in Your Heart.

OK, better get going. I need to get to bed. I have to wake up fairly early to drive my dad to the airport.



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