Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Hey ya,

Hope all's groovy.

So yesterday I got a chance to see the dentist and get my teeth cleaned. First time in about a year. With the job change, I kind of got off the schedule.

I must tell you about this dentist office - This place was the dream sequence office. It had to have been the nicest office I had ever seen.

It was a standalone building, and you can tell the dentists inside were making hella cash. I mean Hella (with a capital H).

So, I walk into the office, and I thought I had gone into the wrong place - It looked more like a place where you'd get a spa treatment, not where you'd get your teeth cleaned. It really suited my style. Everything was off white. We're talking the walls, the carpet, everything. Even all of the employees had white lab coats on. On the ceilings, there was a mixture of sky scenes painted with clouds and then there was this huge mural of a very serene lakeside scenes. All that was missing was the aromatherapy and the Enya tunes.

the space was huge and really open - Really high ceilings, huge windows. The built in partitions were fairly low, and to separate the spaces that had direct sight of each other, there were these really cool pieces of glass. They were all flat, but each had unique patterns and shapes. Since they were opaque, they lit up really nicely from the sunlight.

Craziness. Now that's what I call a dentist's office.

Congrats to Stevizzle who is going to start a new gig next year :)



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